Have you heard the buzz about how consumption of artificial sweeteners causes cancer? Studies show that in order to see any adverse affects from Sucralose (brand name SplendaŽ) consumption, a 150 pound man would need to consume 612 grams of sucralose a day (the equivalence of 1,224 cups of the sugar substitute). Who in their right mind would eat that much sucralose in one day? Sucralose, which is manufactured by selectively chlorinating sucrose, is calorie free, carb free, free of fats and proteins, and has no effect on insulin levels. It leaves virtually no after-taste and is stable under heat which makes it perfect for baking and gives it a longer shelf-life. Though marketed in the U.S. as being "No Calorie Sweetener," SplendaŽ actually contains 2 calories per teaspoon, the equivalence of 96 calories per cup. Sugar on the other hand contains 770 calories for that same quantity.
If you sweeten your coffee twice a day with 2 teaspoons of sugar you are consuming an extra 12 pounds of sugar per year.
Knowing this, why not make sucralose part of your healthy diet?
**Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything.....but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!