Motivation is the best way to break through times that are tough, and you use it all the time. It's that surge of energy you feel when thinking about something that you really want to do, that oomph inside that really inspires you to go for it.
But sometimes, motivation is lacking — your stamina is flagging, your willpower wilting. You know what your goals are, but something is getting in the way, something is stopping you from giving it your all. You need to use the Motivating Strategy.
You can use the Motivating Strategy when:
* Your weight has come to a standstill. * You feel like quitting. * It feels like it's going to take forever. Andy's Motivating Strategy Andy's goal is to weigh 185 pounds. He knows that when he maintains portion control, he loses weight. But for the past three weeks, his portions have been slowly growing larger and larger, and as a result, his pace to his goal has gotten slower and slower. He decides that now's the time to develop a Motivating Strategy that will help him get his portions under control.
How Andy Did It (And How You Can Do It, Too) These are the Motivating Strategy steps.
1. Imagine yourself having already achieved your goals, and enjoying them. Ask yourself:
* What am I seeing as I enjoy my goal? * What sounds do I hear? * What am I doing?
Create an image in your head of the way your Winning Outcome will be experienced, when you achieve it. Bring it closer if that makes it more exciting for you, or add brightness, movement, sound ...
When Andy completed this step, he imagined himself at 185 pounds (75 pounds thinner than what he was). He'd just passed the 15-mile mark in the Boston Marathon. He saw his wife and young daughter and son watching from the sidelines and heard them shout: "Go for it, Dad! You're the best! You can do it!" He felt the high from their support and from doing something he had always dreamed about, but never before thought possible.
2. Then, get in touch with the other good feelings that come from having achieved your goals.
Andy thought about being energetic much of the time, the joy of being able to ride his bike, skate and hike with his family. He thought about his interest in nonfood hobbies.
3. Finally, remain in touch with these feelings as you get back to doing the things you need to do to reach your goal.
Tools for Living Overview Winning Outcomes Storyboarding Empowering Beliefs Mental Rehearsing Anchoring Motivating Strategy Positive Self-Talking Reframing Asserting Switching
tool tips Has your desire to eat more and return to old habits become equal to your desire to lose weight? If so, you're at an attitude plateau, and it's time to use the Motivating Strategy.
**Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything.....but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!