Happy, (hot) August! I hope that everyone is staying cool, drinking pleanty of water and relaxing! Fall is almost here...so hang in there!
I added some new sections for us this week.
I added a section called Personal Challenges. This is a forum for us to share our hurtles and how we overcame or didn't overcome them. A place to plan strategies and brainstorm ways to meet those challenges successfully! So, jump on in and share...together we are brilliant!
Also, we have a new section on Peaches, under What's in Season Now? I'm a bit late getting the peach recipes going but you can still buy them fresh and the recipes work equally well with frozen peaches. Enjoy!
Chelle's sweet husband David found the Formula that WW uses to configure points values. If you are a brainiac and have knowledge of spreadsheets and computers, you can use it to make your own points calculator. Unfortunately, WW seems to have cracked down and made the website we were linked to, take down the free version of the points calculator. Too bad...but Thanks David and Chelle!
Weight Watchers is coming out later this month with a new free membership promotion, so if you have been sitting on the fence (or have fence sitting friends) waiting to join...August 20th will be the time to join! Also, WW is coming out with a fabulous, money saving promotion that will allow you to pay for your meetings online every month. They will be issuing a permanent card that you'll swipe at the meeting...and you save big bucks PLUS...you get a free subscription to WW E-Tools!
If you don't have the E-Tools...it's fabulous! I have it and I'm so looking forward to signing up for the new payment method. It makes the price of meetins under $10...plus you save $13.95 per month for the E-Tools! With E-Tools you get an online points tracker (love it! ), recipe builder, recipes, online weight tracking/charts, artilces, message boards...it's like taking your leader home with you and having her there 24/7! I highly reccomend it!
So, that's all the news so far in August. We have alot of new members and I'm so glad! Together we can make this more than a WW support website, we can make it a circle of friends with a common goal.
Blessings everyone, Colette
"Walking's easy when the road is flat but the Good Lord gave us mountains so we can learn how to climb." LoneStar
-- Edited by Colette at 18:12, 2006-08-02
**Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything.....but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!