I don't know yet if I have today off or not. I have to call the "Big Boss" at 9:10 am. So...I can't make any plans right now Anyway...if I DONT have to work tonight, my friend Beth and I are going out to lunch and shopping and DH and Sam and I will go out for dinner tonight. If I DO...then I'm coming home and going to bed after I take Sam to school. That's why I only have a partial menu posted. I thought I'd go to meeting today and weigh in, but I forgot and ate breakfast. I think I'll just wait til next Wednesday or maybe go Sat. We'll see. Have a good day and a great weekend! Colette
8 fl oz 8th Continent Original Soy Milk 2
1 cup Kellogg's Special K Red Berries Cereal 2
1 cup black coffee
**Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything.....but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!