*Good Morning weight loss buddies! How are we today? Aside from a few cramps, I'm doing pretty well. Have my dance class tonight. I've missed a few, so this oughta be fun! My girls have their check ups today. Also...don't forget to get out and vote today (unless you did like me and voted early ) It's our God-given right, priviledge, and responsibility. If you don't vote...don't complain afterwards. Have a blessded day!!!!
Daily Point Total = 22 pts
Breakfast: 1/2 cup milk in Chai tea = 1 pt WW black cherry yogurt = 1 pt 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal (in yogurt) = 0 pts
Used = 2 pts Left = 20 pts
Lunch: Smart Ones Mac & Cheese = 5 pts Salad with light Olive oil dressing = 1 pt
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17
AMEN AND AMEN CHELLE! I did get out and vote today, early. They put in a new voting machine but it was easy (uses ink instead of punching holes) but it was basically the same. There seemed to be a good turnout! Here's the menu...now I'm off to do dishes and make sloppy jo's for my menfolk. I'm having a Smart One for dinner..weigh in tomorrow. The scale says that I've lost...we'll see.....sometimes it lies... Have a blessed day! Love ya, Colette
Target Food POINTS values remaining 3
crustless pumpkin pie=2 Small Banana=1.5 1 cup black coffee=0 1/4 cup Cool Whip Free Whipped Topping=.5